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The Wonders of Wool Nappy Wraps

Wool is an amazing natural fibre that provides a natural softness which makes it a joy to wrap your babies with. Wool has built-in climate control as its fibres do not conduct heat allowing the body to regulate its own temperature as required. The small pockets of air within the material will provide not only insulation but breathability as well meaning that your baby will keep warm in winter and cool in summer.

The Cloth Nappy Company Malta blog disana wool cover

And if all that’s not swaying you? Wool wraps only need washing around once a month or if they get soiled with poo. This makes this system very cost effective.

So let’s get down to business. Here’s the low down on washing and lanolising wool wraps.

💚 Why do I need to lanolise wool wraps?

Lanolising wool is the process of adding lanolin to wool fabrics to help keep their water resistant properties intact.

💚 How often do I need to lanolise?

Lanolising of wool needs to be carried out approximately every 6-8 weeks.

💚 How do I know when to lanolise?

How often you need to lanolise will vary from one baby to another. It is easy to spot when your wool nappy wrap needs to be lanolised as it will start becoming damp more easily and not drying up so fast after getting damp. At this point you should lanolise even if the wrap has not started to leak yet.

The Cloth Nappy Company Malta blog disana wool cover care

💚 What is the process to lanolise wool?

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of Disana Lanolin Care Treatment in 1 litre of lukewarm water (around 25oC). Stir until lanolin is fully dissolved.
  2. Place the woollen overpants in the solution and wash through gently by hand by squeezing and moving them around.
  3. Leave them briefly in the lanolin solution before removing them.
  4. There is no need to rinse out the lanolin solution.
  5. Gently squeeze out the excess solution. A great way of doing this is by placing the wrap inside a clean towel and gently press to get rid of excess water. Do not wring the wrap.
  6. Reshape while damp.
  7. Leave to dry in a shaded area avoiding direct sunlight and ideally laying flat to retain the shape.
  8. Once dry, the nappy wrap will be fully leakproof again!

💚 What is the process to wash wool?

Nowadays most modern washing machines will have a wool cycle which can be used to wash Disana woollen overpants. If you’re using a washing machine:

  1. Use 1 tablespoon of Disana Wool Shampoo per wash.
  2. Choose a cold wool wash setting on the washing machine.
  3. Do not spin.
  4. Dry the wrap as indicated above from steps 5 onwards in the lanolising process.

Don’t worry if your washing machine does not have a wool cycle! You can easily wash by hand:

  1. Use 1 teaspoon of Disana Wool Shampoo per 4 litres of lukewarm water (around 25oC).
  2. Place the woollen overpants in the solution and wash through gently by hand by squeezing and moving them around.
  3. Gently rinse out after washing with lukewarm water.
  4. Dry the wrap as indicated above from steps 5 onwards in the lanolising process.

💚 Do I need to lanolise after every wash?

Absolutely not, the lanolising process only needs to be carried out every 6-8 weeks or when the wrap starts to feel damp after use.

💚 Why does my nappy wrap feel sticky when dry?

This simply means you used a bit too much lanolin. Don’t worry! Just use a bit less lanolin next time.

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